Horrible Stuff

We took off Monday through today because our contractor lead us to believe we would be able to use our vacation days to prime, paint and tile. This is difficult to do if Igor is still applying ProForm® joint compound to the 1/2” ToughRock® gypsum boards.
To speed up the process, we removed the drywall from the exterior-facing wall in our bedroom ourselves. In addition to water damage, the wall had several holes because Willy added interior and exterior electrical and the plumber added an exterior faucet.

In doing the demo, we found yet another surprise... The flooring for the bedroom bump out constructed by the previous owner was not level. We already knew that. Until we pulled up the carpet, we did not know why. Mystery solved: layers of badly applied so-called leveling compound is the problem. We are still trying to figure out a solution.

As a method of mitigating the sound of Smilin’ Mike’s sociopathic wind bell (hung two yards down from us on a tree branch over the lake), Igor applied two layers of the already-purchased drywall. Reducing the cranium-piercing sound was also part of the reason we removed a window from the bedroom (the other reason was to reduce light trespass from neighboring properties). Filling every gap and hole with insulation was an important part of this project. The result? Deep sleep—the first full night’s sleep in a very long time—during the middle of a heavy rain storm!
Renovation tip: If you use Great Stuff, be sure to follow directions. (Do as I say, not as I do.) Better yet, do not use Great Stuff. Even the minimally expanding version expands relentlessly. And if you get it on your hands, nothing takes it off. Not paint thinner, not nail polish remover, not acetone, not scrubbing, not nail files. Nothing. This horrible stuff does not come off of surfaces, either. Thankfully, we learned from the previous owner that trim hides all sins.
Labels: Renovation tip
I see you were busy after I saw you yesterday! Thanks for the birthday lunch. Amanda can't wait to go there with Uncle Matt and watch the airplanes!! Seeing the table in the bedroom makes it really clear that you are living in one room! Wow!
Unknown, at 10:15 AM
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