Sunrise on Saturday

From our master bedroom window, we watched the sun rise over the Feeney railing that Miguel and Jess installed on the deck this week. The sun was up by 7:47 a.m. and the framers, led by Chico, were here at 8 a.m. sharp to work on the downstairs.
It had been a long week of living in a construction zone. On Tuesday, wind and snow drove us to a hotel. Granted, it is a couple of lucky ’fugees who seek refuge at the Westin. The punch line? As Matt was soaping up his hair, the hotel ran out of water, putting an end to his hot shower.
It had been a long week of living in a construction zone. On Tuesday, wind and snow drove us to a hotel. Granted, it is a couple of lucky ’fugees who seek refuge at the Westin. The punch line? As Matt was soaping up his hair, the hotel ran out of water, putting an end to his hot shower.
Renovation tip: If you are living in your house during the building process, expect there will come a day when you cannot take it anymore. Maybe it will be the dust, the restricted living space, the cold or the general lack of sanctuary... Go ahead and get out. Consider it a mini vacation and have a great time!
On Thursday, October 30, Alex wrote: “…by middle of next week at which time the roof will be on (delivery was supposed to be today but was delayed!!!!!) And all the windows will be installed… I know it seems like its never going to get done, and that you are living like a couple of gypsies, but I will do all I can to finish and help in any way I can…”

Perhaps it is because there was a raccoon in our garbage can the other night, looking back at me when I opened the lid. Or maybe it is because a mother black bear and two cubs kept Miguel and his colleagues in their truck until the family wandered away. Conceivably, it is the sound of the wind rustling through the plastic because we do not yet have walls in the great room.
To help chase the dreams—and the critters—away, Matt put a sign on the pantry.
This morning—after going to bed too late and getting up too early because Daylight Saving Time ended—we stepped outside to enjoy the new cable railings sparkling in the sun. Very satisfying.
Labels: Builder, Renovation
You have BEARS? That's insane! Here I was, thinking we were cool cause we get the occaisional coyote...
Shannon, at 4:43 PM
You two were smart to escape to a hotel -- although I can't believe the place ran out of water, of all things! That is too funny (although I'm sure it felt like The Fates were punishing you at the time).
The back of the house is looking great. That was a nice note from Alex. Here's hoping he can keep his word.
By the way, I mirror Shannon's sentiment: between the bears, deer, turkey vultures and other assorted wild critters, it's a virtual Marty Stouffer documentary over there!
Anonymous, at 1:19 PM
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