South elevation

The right side of the house (when facing the front)
- There is no longer a flat roof over the front door.
- The useless parapet is removed from the area above the dining room. This feature was meant to make the house look more “modern” when the neighbors view it from their deck. The other purpose it presumably served was to trap leaves.
- The screen porch becomes a more useful size, as does the flex / yoga / party space.
- The stairs are completely replaced, not repaired the way the subordinate specified. They are barely salvageable now; imagine how trashed they’ll be as a result of the construction process—which will utilize this side of our house as the main point of access to the back yard.
- The hot tub room becomes the lanai (yes, I do love to use that word and no, I do not care that we’re nowhere near Hawaii).
- Here’s how it looked before.
Labels: Home addition, Modern Architecture, Remodeling
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